Unleash Your Human Design- (Individual)

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Human Design is a system of how your energy works. Synergizing astrology, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, the Zohar or Kabbalah, the I’Ching, the Book of Changes, Human Design gives you an idea of your energetic roadmap that can inform decision making, scheduling your time, knowing how your energy works in your life and in the lives of others!

After purchase, you will receive your chart and report via email in 3-5 business days. Your selected date is for the 90 minute 1:1 session where we will UNLEASH your design over Zoom. 

In your 90 Minute Human Design Chart Analysis and Consult Session, You and  Rachel will set your goals and intentions. She will guide you through the components of your chart, and highlight certain themes. She will enlighten some practical ways to use the information and inspire you to align with your purpose to make bolder decisions and more impactful action. You will leave with tangible ways to improve your life in the ways only you know how!


All we need to run your chart is your birth-date, place and time to unlock this roadmap! After you order, Rachel will send you an email with further details and to collect your information. 

If you don't know your birth time and find no way to get it, give Rachel the most accurate time of day if possible- if not, she will sample times throughout your birthday for variances.